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  • 浏览次数:529
  • 发布时间:2024-04-16 03:18:02
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Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed从我小时候起,我母亲就要我立誓I must find the way to power through a noble brow我必须找到爬上权利顶端的捷径I married once for love then my senses came因爱结婚,突然我意识到I must marry for the stature of my husbands name我必须要找个有名声的丈夫来结婚Onto marrige number two所以第二次结婚I knew what I had to do我知道我必须要怎么做and my poor husband fell ill in a year or two我可怜的丈夫,在两年内病死了solved problem number one,now to problenm number two解决了优质个问题,是时候解决第二个了His deo-eyed littlle girl with gentle point of biew那个他经常用温柔的眼神看着的小女孩Would I ship her off to school?我该送她去学校吗?No!I toud her if she stayed that shed h**e to earn her keep当然不了!我告诉她,如果她想要留下来,她就得挣钱养活自己and so she became the maid!于是她变成了女仆She was lazy!她很懒!She was Crazy!她很疯!She was talking to the mice!她曾经和老鼠们说话!She was hopelessly naive,so she had to pay the price.她天真的无药可救,所以她必须付出代价I moved her to the attic out of sight and out of mind.我让她搬去那个我毫不在意也不想看见的阁楼I coud h**e thrown her out,but Im benevolent and kind.我本可以赶她出去,就是我太仁慈了Mother,your hearts too big for you!妈,你心真大I knew what I had to do我知道我必须要怎么做After all,difficult children will take advantage of your good nature.毕竟,那难相处的孩子会占你的便宜So you lock them up所以你把她们关起来Throw away the key!把钥匙扔了Theres one on every family tree每个家族里都有一个人 她Ungrateful!忘恩负义!Hateful!可恨!Vile too!The things she put you through!还很邪恶!是她让你变成这样!Break their spirit so they obey!毁灭她们的心灵,让她们顺从!Now theyll do anything you say现在她们会乖乖听你的Maybe youd call it cruel but也许你觉得这会很残忍,但是others would call it love有些人会称这叫爱Tough Love!严厉的爱!I ask you,is it a crime to strive for perfection in all things?我问你,任何事都追求完美这是错的吗?Oh,no,theyre so cute when theyre little but then they grow up and just…哦,不,他们小的时候很可爱,但长大后…ruin everything!会毁了一切!

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